On the latest episode of Analog(ue), we discussed self confidence. One of the facets of this discussion was that I’m reticent to join Flickr and put my photographs online, because I have so many friends that are way better photographers than I am. I don’t feel like my photos are up to snuff.
Matt Gibson had a bit to say about that feeling:
…that’s one of the major differences between a good photographer and a bad photographer: developing the discernment you need to throw away the rubbish. To show people only your best photos.
Matt makes a really great point.
I’ve been trying to get better about “burning”, as Matt calls it, less-than-perfect pictures. I’ve already been taking the same approach with blog posts. I have several posts I’ve written — even completed — but not published.
Being that self-critical can be difficult, but it makes me a better writer, and a better photographer.