By Casey Liss

Marco wrote a very bold post regarding Apple’s yearly operating system release cycles. He calls for Apple to slow down:

I fear that Apple’s leadership doesn’t realize quite how badly and deeply their software flaws have damaged their reputation, because if they realized it, they’d make serious changes that don’t appear to be happening. Instead, the opposite appears to be happening: the pace of rapid updates on multiple product lines seems to be expanding and accelerating.

Unsurprisingly, I agree with Marco. I’m not sure, however, if Apple really has any other choice but to continue working at a breakneck pace.

Apple, for better or worse, is no longer the underdog. They’re no longer the plucky little guy picking a fight with the ox of a man already standing in the boxing ring. Now, they’re the ox.

As a result, any time Apple wavers — even the smallest bit — even justifiably — everyone pounces.

What would be the reaction if Tim Cook or Craig Federighi got on stage at WWDC and said “You know what guys; we’re stretched too thin. We’re going to pump the brakes, and start taking our time”?

The media would go nuts.

Apple is doomed!

Apple’s Engineering Talent Under Question as Federighi Slows Things Down

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The media going nuts isn’t the end of the world. Shaking investors, and watching them walk away from AAPL may be. Whether we like it or not, Apple is a public company, and these things matter.

I’d like to think that I’d take a more nuanced stance on ATP, but I’m not sure I’m above a little fear-mongering myself. I sure hope I’d take the high road, but it’s anyone’s guess.

It was Apple that chose to establish this cadence, and chose to stick with it. Now, for better or worse, they may have backed themselves into a corner. When you’re that ox of a man standing in the boxing ring, the last thing you want to do is show weakness. To give the plucky little guy hope.

You may not feel like you can show weakness, even if you wanted to.

The Apple I’ve come to love wouldn’t give a crap. The Apple I love would do the right thing for its users and its developers, and slow down. The Apple I love would slow down, even though it’s the tough thing to do. The Apple I love would be brave.

Let’s hope that Apple is still the Apple of today.